Thursday, May 22, 2014

Stick To Your Guns

One of the worst things a lifter, or anyone for that matter, can do is comparing yourself to others. In the modern day of the internet we are constantly bombarded with "do this," "do that," or some new fad. On top of that, we have the ability to expose ourselves to all of these people around the world who might seem ridiculously strong and you begin to question why the hell you're even busting ass in the gym.

You need to keep in mind that if you are doing the basics such as following a sound lifting program, lifting with great intensity, following a diet, and getting rest that there is little you can do outside of that to progress any quicker or further. The struggle, yet the key, is being creative and persistent through this process. I started lifting in high-school in a Strength & Conditioning class at the confused age of 14. I never cared about what I could lift. I just wanted a class where I could do what was natural to me, which was being physically active. I hated sitting in a class room and doing book work. Till this day, I hate it, and I have a degree in physics.

I fell out of lifting for years, I thought it was silly. Gyms made no sense to me. The people running in place on a treadmill like a hamster on an exercise wheel or some muscled up narcissistic douchebag watching himself pump his muscles in front of a mirror. I called the gym, and still do today, the Gerbal Gym. Most gyms are this. People in there trying to fulfill some bullshit that makes absolutely no sense to me. I hate gyms. However, the internet gave me a fantastic gift. I saw these guys lifting big weights and training their primordial personalities with passion. Hot damn, video after video, article after article, I began learning about a whole different culture of men and women who just trained to become better humans. They didn't train for beauty pageant shows, to look good for the beach, or because of some doctor's prescription... they trained to become stronger versions of themselves. For no other reasons other than to just do it. I believe that is what fascinated me with the whole powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting circles. I always associated general exercise, conditioning, and weightlifting with bullshit. It opened my eyes and I am not sure why. Athletes do these things to train for various sports, you name it. However, this gave me a gift-- a gift that enabled me to release the common sociological crap that plagues modern man.

When you feel like you are losing, you are stagnant, and perhaps regressing. Remember why you are doing what you are doing. I can guarantee the reason lies within you on such a deep personal level that what others are doing is absolutely of zero importance. Pave your own path. Recognize your own strengths and weaknesses. Never give up. Take pride in your struggles. The great music and emotional moving art is created through exactly what you are going through. Saturate yourself in it.


  1. I love your last paragraph. Much truth was written within this blog. I am guilty of feeling inadequate when I compare myself to others. Ultimately, however, I understand that weight training is a very intimate experience. Intimate in the sense that you learn a tremendous amount about yourself--in and out of the gym. Focus on yourself and don't let the accomplishments of others taint your own progress. Strength training is a process--a journey--and it is different for everyone. Appreciate the uniqueness of your path and embrace yourself along the way.
